Sunday, May 24, 2015

Memorial Day Blog Hopping Celebration

I am enjoying the blog hop for OWH and I'm getting some cards done so we can finish strong!  I actually made some Christmas cards yesterday for the box.  I had stocked up on Christmas supplies for the year and figured I had better get them out.  I made 8 of these.

I know that simple Thinking of You cards are always needed and this was such a pretty shiny piece of paper and the 3-D flower got some added twinkle to hopefully make someone feel special.

This one was a bit hard to photograph because the butterfly is a giant vellum die cut by K&Co.  It is matte finish but the flash from the camera kept creating a serious flare.  It looks much better in person.  Off to go make more cards!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

More for Memorial Day

You know, I suppose there is nothing like some solitary time with paper and bling.  You need to zoom in on this paper and see all the wet embossing, it is awesome!  Heck, how can you make a bad card with THAT paper? 
These 2 are my contribution to the "Oldie Moldie" category.  That was an old 8.5"x11" piece I found in with some other stuff.  Nice paper.  Should have used it years ago.
And then there were these "I love you" cards as well.  Pretty paper is my best friend!  I'm done cutting for tonight since I have lost all my natural light.  I think this is a great hop!  I'll be back at it again tomorrow.  Good night all!

OWH - Memorial Day Blog Hop 2015

I can't believe that it is already the end of May and that this is the final OWH Memorial Day Blog Hop.  This was a big day at my house.  I was "given" the whole 3 days off from wifey duties to cut and paste and watch the flinkets fly!  My husband was very supportive of the blog hop weekends like this.  He would often come in and ask about what challenges we were doing or what theme or sometimes just give me the thumbs up for something I had made.  It sure is empty without him here to cheer me on....

I know he would still be proud of my commitment to making the cards for our Heroes.  So, I'm going to make cards until the last day.  I had just gotten my card making area sort of set up when I read the news that OWH was going to be declaring Mission Accomplished this year.

I'm so glad to hear that many of our Heroes are finally out of harm's way and back with their friends and families.  I have to admit I cried.  For them and for the change coming.  OWH has been a lifeline to the outside world for me.  I lived out very rural on a farm and OWH has been my sanity, my community and place to laugh and grow.

Sandy and her team of extraordinary volunteers have done an amazing job to help keep Heroes and their families connected over the miles.  They have built a wonderful community of cardmakers with common purpose.  I am so thrilled and moved to tears that I have been a part of this amazing effort.

So, I'm here making cards, hopping along and loving every minute of it, trying to help OWH FINISH STRONG!

Friday, May 15, 2015

May ODBD Challenge - Embossing

The ODBD Challenge for this month is Embossing.  I always love how dry embossing looks so fancy and adds so much texture to a card.  It is an awesome way to help get those scraps of DP used up as well.