Saturday, May 31, 2014

Oldie Moldie Hello Handsome!

I know it has been awhile since I have made a card.  I have had absolutely NO-MO-JO!  None.  I look at galleries and nothing........... I've been so busy with all the stuff that comes after losing Miles.  And then this past week, my favorite Aunt who was like my 2nd Mom passed away......... I kind of felt guilty to even think of playing.

Then, after countless hours of looking through galleries I made this.  I know it isn't a show stopper, but it felt good to put something together.  I got the idea from a "Stump Sandy," the paper is Provo Craft and Creating Keepsakes (thus Oldie Moldie) that I had already cut up and was sitting in a box and that lovely ribbon was a gift from Pam T.  I had enough paper cut to make 6 of these.

Friday, May 9, 2014

MWT - April Showers Bring May Flowers

I had made these 2 while cleaning up the scrap pile.  The paper had such pretty flowers........  The free digi is from Create with TLC.  I hope the families can feel those long distance hugs.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

ODBD May Challenge - Embossing

It is very hard to post because my husband just recently passed away.  It is hard to find normal and feels wrong to try to do something that some might view as frivolous.  Being so alone now I have to remember that he loved my cards and would often comment on how far I had come in my card making.  So for him I will post.  And for the Heroes and their families I will continue make them.

This one is for the ODBD Challenge at OWH.